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Manual Osteopathic Therapy

A non-invasive, painfree, manual therapy that utilizes a systemic way of treating the musculoskeletal system (i.e., lymphatic tissue, muscular tissue, nervous tissue, ligaments, arteries, veins, viscera, and articular structures including bones and joints) via manual therapy, to help the body maintain a balanced state of health.


The interrelationship between structure and function is a manual osteopathic treatment focal point. Manual osteopathy addresses the body as a unit with a structure and function interrelationship, suitable for all beings.


By only treating the symptoms (ie. where the problem ended up), I believe this strongly limits one’s ability to adequately influence the body’s self-healing, self-regulating, and self-defending properties.

Registered Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a non-invasive approach to assessing and treating physical dysfunction and pain of the soft tissue and joints of the body, mostly by hands-­on manipulation. Assessment and treatment can include orthopedic and neurological testing, soft tissue manipulation (Swedish massage is the most commonly used technique), hydrotherapy, remedial exercise programs and patient education programs.

Massage therapy involves relieving restrictions within fascial, muscular, ligamentous, and tendinous structures, improving the quality of range of motion within joints, and improving circulation of fluids, including lymphatic and blood. It is a non-invasive, hands-on therapy that manipulates the soft tissues to alleviate discomfort associated with stress, pain, repetitive overuse and much more.


Soft Tissue Techniques: muscle, skin, fascia

Osteoarticular Techniques: joints, bones

Craniosacral Therapy: regulating fluid that bathes the nervous system

Visceral Manipulation: freeing fascial and connective tissue restrictions

 of the internal organs, arteries, and veins


Soft Tissue Techniques

Fascial Release

Trigger Point Therapy

Lymphatic Drainage

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